
PRESS RELEASE: Sustainable Jobs Act gives workers a “seat at the table” – AFL’s McGowan

CALGARY – The federal government’s Sustainable Jobs Act will ensure that workers have a loud voice on Alberta’s economic future, according to Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan. The bill was introduced in Parliament today and will create a framework for decision making that includes workers.

“Usually, all of the big economic decisions that affect the jobs and livelihoods of workers are made exclusively by the rich and powerful,” said McGowan. “This bill is giving workers and civil society a seat at the table, just as we asked.”

The Sustainable Jobs Act creates a framework for decision-making that includes representation for workers that will provide advice and direction on sustainable jobs policy and funding. This will ensure that the process isn’t dominated by the corporate sector and will protect the livelihood of Albertans.

These measures within the bill came from two years of work by a coalition of Alberta unions and locals formed by the AFL that engaged with the Liberal government and federal NDP Caucus. The coalition was made up of unions representing Albertans working in oil and gas production, construction, and related manufacturing.

“It’s our job to defend the interests of Alberta workers. And it’s clear to us that the best way to defend those interests is to push for emissions reductions and product diversification within the oil and gas industry and for aggressive investment in industries beyond oil and gas,” said McGowan. “If we can put the petty politics aside, I’m confident that we’ll be able to get big things done.”

Gil’s McGowan’s full remarks are linked here.

John Ashton
Director of Communications, AFL
Phone: (780) 913-6518